Some people consider good weight as a sign of health. But the increased weight is not good for your body. People usually think that being a bit overweight is better than being underweight. Well, the statement is not fully wrong. Being underweight can lead to lots of problems. But being overweight is also not good. As an adult, a person should have a BMI between 18.5 to 24. If the BMI is between 25.0 to 29.9 then you are overweight. But if your BMI is 30.0 or higher then you are obese. Being overweight and being obese are very different. Obesity has lots of negative effects on the body.
What is obesity?
Body mass index or BMI is a calculator that measures body size depending on weight and height. If the BMI of a person is over 30.0 then the person is obese. Obesity can lead to various serious illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Obesity is measured according to BMI. But age, gender, ethnicity, muscle mass, etc can lead to some changes in results as bone mass, fat, or muscle mass are not the same.
What can cause obesity?
The major reason behind obesity is the intake of more calories than you burn in daily activities. The body gains extra calories that cause weight gain. But eating is not the only cause of obesity. There are also a few other uncontrollable factors that can lead to obesity.
Specific causes of obesity:
Genes: Obesity can travel in genes. It can affect how your body processes food. A person can get obese when the body cells are not processing the food to energy correctly.
Poor sleep: Having poor sleep can also affect the body. When a person is not getting enough sleep, he can face changes in hormones. Due to this, the person may crave high-calorie food and start binge eating.
Age: Age is always a strong factor for most illnesses. When a person grows old, the metabolic rate slows down and the body starts gaining weight.
Pregnancy: Most women gain weight during pregnancy. It is very common but losing weight after the delivery can be difficult. If the woman doesn't lose weight; it can lead to obesity.
Health issues that can lead to obesity
PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the common conditions that cause hormonal imbalances in the female reproductive hormones. It can cause many mental and physical changes in the body. Obesity is one of the common symptoms of PCOS.
Hypothyroidism: It is a condition where the thyroid becomes underactive and unable to produce enough hormones.
Cushing syndrome: This condition appears due to high cortisol levels in the system.
Osteoarthritis: OA and a few other conditions cause pain that reduces the physical activities of the body and leads to obesity. If you are obese then you should talk to a homeopathy doctor Pennsylvania. Your doctor will help you to reduce weight and manage other conditions.
Common risk factors of obesity
Genetics: People with certain genes can face issues in losing weight.
Psychological factors: Depression can also lead to obesity and other conditions. When a person is depressed, he often feels comfort in eating food. Due to this, the person starts eating junk food all the time. Few antidepressants can also lead to obesity.
Environment and community: Your environment also influences how you eat and how much you stay physically active. People who live near fast-food restaurants often choose junk items to eat. If a person doesn’t know how to cook, he often eats ready-to-eat items.
Common complications of obesity
Obesity is more than weight gain. Having extra pounds on the body can strain your bones and other organs. Obesity can lead to inflammation in the body which increases the risk of cancer. It is also one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes. A few other complications that appear due to obesity are:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea
Fatty liver disease
High cholesterol
Treatment and other options for obesity
Doctors may prescribe a few medications that help in reducing weight. But just taking these medicines won’t help unless you are managing your diet and doing regular exercises. Your doctor will only suggest medicines if other methods are not showing results in losing weight and your BMI is over 27. The prescribed medicines help in reducing weight either by preventing fat absorption or by suppressing appetite. A few approved drugs to manage obesity are phentermine, liraglutide, orlistat, naltrexone, etc.
You can also try homeopathy to control your weight. Visit a homeopath and he will ask a few questions regarding your diet, other health conditions, emotional and mental conditions, family, living environment, etc. He will give you a tailored prescription and ask you to do certain exercises to reduce your weight. These medicines are safe and you can take them for a long time. Homeopathic medicines won’t cause any harmful side effects to the body.
Manage your diet
Overeating or having junk food often can lead to obesity. If you want to lose weight then start with your diet. Add protein to your diet. When you eat a high-protein diet, it will make you feel full and reduce your appetite. Look for whole foods and eliminate sugar from the diet. Do not eat any kind of processed foods that include sugar. Reduce the food portion. Start with reducing the food portion by about 5-10%. If you reduce the food immediately; it can cause a negative effect on the body. In case you get hungry often then keep healthy snacks with you.
Do regular exercises
Your body needs to burn calories. If your weight is increasing then start exercising. A 30-minute session of daily exercise can help a lot. You can also try swimming, running, cycling, or playing games like basketball, football, etc. If you have other health conditions like heart illnesses then you must visit a doctor before starting any exercises.